Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social Birthday Experiment

Okay ... so I had the weirdest dream about my birthday this year (probably induced by freelancer stress, work overload, and a pure lack of sleep) but I thought I'd give it a try. Mathew keeps hounding me about what I want to do for my birthday this year and of course my answer is "finish at least 1 project on my plate." But my dream had me "rollin' in benjamins" and then giving it all away for having such fabulous friends.

So I'm sending this out into the web universe.

I've set up a $5.00 donate button on paypal and will be donating the funds that I receive from my social birthday experiment to charity.

It's $5.00 ... but I figure ... I've got almost 700 friends on facebook and if just 10% of those donate less than the price of a fast food value meal to my experiment ... then I'll be able to give $350.00 to charity for my birthday this year.

Gotta love random dreams that spark completely insane ideas.

Wanna help?!?